Vedic Math Benefits (Complete Guide)

vedic math benefits
vedic math benefits

In this era of competition, children are overly reliant on digital devices to solve simple math problems, and they fail to recognize their own mental calculation abilities. However, the Vedic math method is a great way to provide children with an easier technique for calculating, where they can enjoy the subject by using their mental calculator.

Vedic Mathematics was discovered by Indian mathematician Jagadguru Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji during A.D 1911-1918, and his findings were published in a Vedic Mathematics Book by Tirthaji Maharaj. Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics that is also known as mental mathematics. 

The word Veda is the Sanskrit word that means knowledge. It consists of 16 sutras called formulae and 13 sub-sutras called sub-formulae, which can be used to solve mathematical problems in arithmetic, geometry, algebra, conics, and calculus., This subject helps to perform mathematical operations accurately and quickly through the sutras and sub-sutras. 

This subject helps students perform well in solving mathematical problems without struggling to write notes and understand the problem’s structure. Vedic mathematics is considered an interesting concept and increases the brain’s capacity and speed of calculations through practice. Vedic Maths has various benefits for the students who practice and learn it. 

Scroll down to read the article to learn more about the Vedic Math Benefits.

How Is Vedic Maths Useful?

Here are some interesting vedic maths benefits. Please find them below:

  1. Improves focus and concentration 
  2. Increases memory power
  3. Helps in simplifying calculations 
  4. Enhances Intuition skills 
  5. Speed and accuracy increases 
  6. Enhances ability for numbers 
  7. Ends the Maths Phobia 
  8. Improves performance in competitive exams
  9. Children will enjoy and have fun, Once they start learning.

These are the benefits of learning vedic maths. If you want to know the difference between normal mathematics and vedic mathematics, read the article completely. 

Is Vedic Maths Better than Normal Maths?

We use numbers often for many basic requirements in our daily lives. Everyone is not familiar with the other style of mathematics, i.e., vedic maths, which simplifies the computations and helps to solve problems faster than traditional calculation. 

Let us understand which one is better, and read the article for your answer; 

  1. Vedic math differs from conventional math because it is coherent and exploits its uniformity to solve problems rather than using various methods for various problems.
  2. Vedic math is simplistic & adaptable, and students are required to remember the sutras to perform well. 
  3. It is more creative and structured than traditional math and facilitates students’ coming up with their own unique and imaginative techniques of problem-solving instead of pressuring them to follow a specific approach.
  4. However, until one uses the method regularly, it is difficult to understand completely and enjoy the efficiency and effectiveness of Vedic math. Anyone can tackle number systems more effectively after practicing this other style of mathematics. It will be astonishingly simple if anyone masters this technique for solving challenging concepts like geometry, algebra, and calculus.

Therefore, it is not simple to conclude that some people believe standard math is better and others feel vedic maths is better. Both are equally challenging to learn and easy to master once you start practicing regularly and consistently. 

What Is Vedic Math Mention Few Importance Benefits of Vedic Math?

Vedic Maths is a remarkable technique for students who wish to master mathematics in a simplistic way. There are various benefits to learning Vedic Maths. Do you want to learn about the advantages and significance of Vedic mathematics? To read the article, scroll down;  

Here are some important benefits of Vedic Maths;

  1. Vedic Maths has the unique feature of making and encouraging students to come up with their own creative and innovative methods. 
  2. Cognitive calculations and techniques are the primary approaches in vedic maths. 
  3. It is much faster than conventional maths and captivates your interest in numbers. 
  4. Vedic maths allows you to use both sides of the brain (right and left) simultaneously to perform innovatively in an instant
  5. One of the major benefits of vedic maths is gaining clarity through systematical creative learning. 
  6. It helps to perform well in competitive exams.
  7. Improves mental maths skills and cognitive abilities. 
  8. Enhance the accuracy and speed in calculating arithmetics. 
  9. Provides the space to improve memory and focus on the subjects. 
  10. It helps in achieving self-confidence and eliminates mathematics phobia. 

If you want to know what age would be the best to learn vedic mathematics? Go to the next question. 

Which Age Is Best for Vedic Maths? 

Vedic math is an interesting tool for learning simplified mathematics. The following list shows the best age to start Vedic Maths-:

  • Grade 4 is the best class to begin learning vedic maths, like basic concepts of mathematics ( addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication).
  • A child will be able to understand the method of solving problems more quicker. 
  • Students can build a strong foundation if they start at the age of 12. 
  • This unique technique will help overcome the fear of mathematics.
  • It provides broader knowledge about the mathematics world in a holistic way, It is useful for all kinds of streams, like engineering courses, and competitive exams. 

Scroll down to read whether vedic maths is useful or not for streams like engineering. 

Is Vedic Maths Useful for Engineering?

Calculations are everywhere in the world and in every subject and stream. Engineering is one of the subjects that requires a strong mathematical foundation because it is filled with arithmetic and problematized calculations. 

Most students in India want to study engineering as a major during their undergraduate years. But finds difficulty in solving the complicated computations in the course because of a lack of speed and accuracy in doing the arithmetic and solving them. 

Vedic mathematics will aid in the holistic and practical understanding of mathematics. It enables the students to enjoy doing and practicing arithmetic. It is useful for engineering and many other streams. 

A few benefits of Vedic Maths are mentioned below; 

  1. Vedic Maths provides simplified learning in a faster and quicker way. 
  2. It engages with real-time problems with creative methodology. 
  3. As compared to the conventional method of mathematics, Vedic Maths provides a unique technique. 
  4. It saves time and increases the accuracy of problem-solving in all streams. 

FAQs: Vedic Math Benefits

1. Is Vedic Maths useful for students?

Vedic Maths is an important and ancient methodology in mathematics. It helps students to perform creatively and innovatively. It is useful for students to learn mathematics engagingly and faster. 

2. What is the importance of Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic Maths is a remarkable technique in the mathematics world. It provides a simplistic way of learning Maths. It increases logical reasoning, and decision-making and develops cognitive abilities. 

3. What is the importance of Vedic Maths Class 9?

Vedic Maths for class 9, helps in doing faster mathematical calculations and enhances speed and accuracy with easy techniques. 


If you are having difficulty learning mathematics, Vedic mathematics is the best option to pursue and practice on a regular basis in order to master the interesting techniques and develop your own method of problem-solving.

We are hoping that the above article helped you understand the Vedic Math Benefits. Please leave us a comment if you have any queries.


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