CA Foundation Result Percentage 2022 (Announced)

CA Foundation Result Percentage 2022
CA Foundation Result Percentage 2022

The CA Foundation result for December 2022 attempt was announced in February. The passing percentage in the December attempt was 29.25%, which makes CA one of the toughest exams in the world as the passing percentage is low compared to the other professional courses.

Becoming a CA is definitely not a piece of cake, as the candidate has to work really hard and pass the exams, but one can clear all the exams if the candidate is determined enough. Have you also passed your 12th standard and are you thinking of starting your CA journey? Then, you can start today by filling out the registration form and preparing for the CA Foundation December 2023 attempt.

In this article, we will discuss the CA foundation result percentage, the highest marks scored, and more.

What Is the Highest Marks in CA Foundation?

ICAI provides a merit list after declaring the results for the CA Foundation, which consists of the details of the candidates who have topped the examination.

Mr. Garvit Jain received the highest marks in CA Foundation in the November 2018 attempt. The winner from Madhya Pradesh received 374 out of 400, the highest score to date. The total pass percentage for the November 2018 attempt was 44.12%

What Is the Percentage of CA Passing?

The ICAI determines the pass percentage based on the total number of applicants who took the exam and the total number of candidates who passed it. The pass percentage is declared with the results, and the passing percentage for the June 2022 attempt was 25.28, whereas the passing percentage for December 2022 was 29.25%, which was more than the June attempt.

The table below shows the minimum percentage required for each of the CA foundation papers needed to be eligible to apply for the CA Intermediate exam: 

PapersMinimum percentage requiredOverall Percentage required
Paper-1: Principles and Practice of Accounting


Paper-2: Business Laws and Business Correspondence and Reporting
Paper-3: Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics
Paper-4: Business Economics and Business and Commercial Knowledge

If a candidate is able to secure an overall score of 70% and above, then it is considered passed with distinction.

How Many Students Appeared for CA Foundation June 2022

The total number of candidates who appeared for the CA Foundation June 2022 attempt was 93,729, which includes both male and female candidates. The total number of exam centres was 508.

Below is the table containing the data for CA Foundation’s June 2022 attempt:

GenderNumber of Candidates Appeared Number of Candidates Passed Pass Percentage

FAQs: CA Foundation Result Percentage 2022

Who got the highest marks in CA Foundation 2022?

Sahil Bhattad from Maharashtra got the highest marks in CA Foundation June 2022 attempt. He scored 363/400, which makes 90.75%.

Which is the toughest subject in CA Foundation?

The difficulty of the subjects differs from one student to another, but the most common subject that students find tough is Business Mathematics.

How many students join CA every year?

Every year, lakhs of people join after finishing their 12th grade, including both male and female candidates. 

Is CA Foundation easy to pass?

The CA Foundation is easy to pass if the candidate has studied thoroughly and prepared for the attempt in a systematic way.

What is a good score in CA Foundation?

A candidate is required to score an aggregate of 70% or above to be declared as passed with distinction, and an aggregate of 55% to pass the examination.


It is a dream of many students to add a prefix to their name. After passing the 12th standard, students can take the first steps towards becoming a CA by registering themselves for the CA Foundation result percentage 2022. It is a difficult road, but the result will be worth all the hard work.

Are you ready to join the course and begin your journey? You can register yourself for the upcoming CA foundation attempt by visiting the self-service portal on the official website of ICAI.

You can check out our other articles about the registration process.


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